Friday, July 8, 2011

Charlie Turns One!!

It's hard to believe that it has been over a year since my little man was born. It's even harder to believe that I don't have a baby anymore. I miss that baby but I love this little boy who toddles all over my house just the same.

We just had a family celebration at the house. I almost enjoy this more. No stress, no distractions and I have my little guy all to myself. We had dinner, cake and then opened his one present. I tend to go overboard and stress myself out when there is gift giving involved. I over analyze everything and just want to make sure what I get will be used and appreciated. So this time (since we have a gazillion toys in this house) I just got one present for Charlie.

Charlie getting ready to "blow" out his candle. Me holding Charlie's hand down to prevent him from grabbing the bright, flickering light thingy.

He liked the cake...

He REALLY liked the cake.

Opening his present with Jacob.

Charlie says, "Hey! That's my present, brother!"

More interested in the wrapping paper, of course.

Daddy and Charlie.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

My Name is Caroline...

...and I am horrible at keeping my blog current.

I promise that over the next week (or so) that I will bring this darn blog up to date. Even my cat Isabel is upset with my lack of attention to this matter

She clearly has an ax to grind.